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2123 Rice Street

Little Rock, AR

3 BD
2 BA
1,849 SF

Key Details

Property Type
Year Built
Two Story
Parking Pads, Two Car


Beautiful 2 Story Home For Sale near Downtown Little Rock Comes with New carpet, fresh paint job and finished basement that adds more living space for those looking for a 4+ Home. Excellent for a first-time homebuyer, enabling them to have wiggle room for renovation to their likings. The second flooring adds extra livable space, increasing its rental appeal and potential income. This fixer-upper presents endless opportunities for its next owner, whether they're looking for a place to call home or an addition to their investment portfolio. With a bit of vision and effort, it could become a fantastic urban retreat. Call to schedule today, HABLAMOS ESPAÑOL! Agents see remarks
Roberto Ramirez
(501) 541-1836
This Property is Listed by and Courtesy Of: - ID: 24019873 - MLS®: carmls - Last Updated On Jan 30th, 2025

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